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Bagaimana Rutin Minum Kopi dapat Menurunkan Risiko Penyakit Jantung?

Bagaimana Rutin Minum Kopi dapat Menurunkan Risiko Penyakit Jantung?
Ilustrasi minum kopi. Credit: Freepik

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Everyone has different reactions to caffeine. Some people can experience anxiety, beating heart, and frequent urinating due to excessive caffeine consumption. However, research says caffeine consumption has benefits for heart health, including reducing the risk of death from heart disease. What are the facts? Check out the following reviews.


Relationship Between Drinking Coffee And Declining The Risk Of Heart Disease

Heart disease is one of the most causes of death worldwide. One of the heart disease that can cause death is cut heart disease, namely heart problems caused by damage to blood vessels due to the buildup of cholesterol plaque.

When plaque attaches to the blood vessels, over time the blood vessels will harden and narrow. This narrowing will inhibit blood flow to the heart so that the heart lacks oxygen-rich blood.

People who haveile heart disease may not be aware of heart problems until plaque triggers the formation of blood clots. When a blockage forms, blood cannot reach the heart, triggering a heart attack.

Also read: Benefits Of Health Drinking Black Coffee Without Sugar

In a study, it is stated that drinking coffee can help reduce the risk of death from heart disease. People who drink coffee half to 3 glasses per day are known to have a risk of death from heart disease and stroke lower than people who don't drink coffee. This study states that people who drink coffee 0.5-3 glasses per day have a lower arterial stiffness index.

Another study says that consuming 600 mg of coffee per day can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease (blood and heart clots). Experts suspect this is due to the cardiovascular effect on caffeine.

In the study, it was stated that caffeine inhibits the formation of PCSK 9 proteins that can turn off LDL receptors (bad cohesterol) in the liver. As a result, LDL floats in the bloodstream and is not absorbed by the liver so that the LDL levels in the blood remain high. With the delay in the formation of PCSK9 proteins, LDL repeaters become more numerous so that the liver can reduce LDL or bad cholesterol.

Also read: Can I Drink Coffee Every Day? Get To Know The Benefits And Side Effects


How Many Doses Of Caffeine Are Safe For The Heart?

Coffee is a drink that is widely consumed by various groups. Although research mentions some of the benefits of drinking coffee for heart health, you need to limit caffeine intake per day. Especially if your body has high sensitivity to caffeine. Some people experience nausea, vomiting, palpitations, and anxiety, after drinking coffee.

According to experts, the recommended daily caffeine dose is 400 mg or the equivalent of 4-5 cups of small coffee. Everyone's response to caffeine is different, but if you consume more caffeine than that dose can experience side effects in the form of:

  • Headache
  • Difficulty sleeping
  • Nervous and nervous
  • Anger
  • Often urinates
  • The heart is beating fast
  • Muscle trend

Reported Medical News Today, Eating too much caffeine can also increase the risk of rising blood pressure which can trigger an increased risk of heart disease. Therefore, if you have heart disease and want to drink coffee to reduce the risk of heart disease, you should consult a doctor first. 


Drinking coffee is not the only way to reduce the risk of heart disease. In addition to drinking coffee, you can prevent the risk of heart disease by quitting smoking, doing a lot of physical activity, eating healthy foods and maintaining an ideal weight. 

If you have questions about heart health, you can consult a doctor or take advantage of the consultation feature on the Ai Care application which can be downloaded through App Store and Play Store.


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Writer : Ratih AI Care
Editor :
  • dr Nadia Opmalina
Last Updated : Rabu, 21 Agustus 2024 | 05:38